Digital Outback Photo
- Photography using Digital SLRs

"Elkhorn Slough Colors"

<c>Bettina and Uwe Steinmueller
The last time we were at Elkhorn Slough we visited it from a boat. This time we had a wonderful hike at the "Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve". This is not as spectacular as Point Lobos but the landscape is inspiring and of course there are a lot of birds.
When we looked at our photos we were mostly drawn by the colors and atmosphere we were able to capture. Probably you all know this feeling that you see some magic in the nature and the resulting photos don't reflect it. With our series we hope we captured some of it.
For these photos we try to do as little sharpening as possible. They might even more call for a blur.
While the colors so far were very subtle we also found very strong ones too. The color in the following photo looks unreal but it is probably quite close to reality (no Photoshop tricks).
Of course there were also a lot of wonderful birds. Very remarkable was a group of over 20 Night Herons. It is very difficult to show in a photo what we feel seeing all these wonderful birds resting in the trees.
We will add a hike at "Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve" to our regular program. This is the sort of place you have to visit regularly to see it change with the seasons and also to discover it's magic.

Technical Details

Nikon D1 Nikon VR 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6 and AF-S 80-200 f/2.8 + TC-14E (NEF raw format converted with Bibble 2.0)


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