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Free Tool: Instant JPEG from RAW

review note by Uwe Steinmueller

Manage the Digital Workflow


Even if you only shoot RAW there maybe times you want JPEG versions of these files. Of course you can always use your RAW converter to do this. But there is an even faster way.

Because most RAW files embed a JPEG preview these previews are often all you need. Michael Tapes from just made a free tool called "Instant JPEG from RAW" available that extracts the embedded JPEGs.

Instant JPEG from RAW installas as a Finder (Macs) or Explorer (Windows) extension and can be access right clicking on a folder or selected files.

You can either extract the full native previews or define a smaller size. The previews are extracted very fast.

Here is a short video to show you more:

You can download the software from


Nice little tool that does the job if you need it.

Note: The implementation of this tool was actually done by Imagenomic (the creator of the highly regarded Noiseware and other Photoshop plugins). You can get off 10% of all Imagenomic products here).


Manage the Digital Workflow




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